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CBSE issues guidelines for Class X, XII practical examinations 2023

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  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:09/12/2022

Practical examinations to begin from January 1, 2023

The criteria for practical tests, internal assessments, and projects for Class X and XII exams for the academic year 2022–2023 have been made public by the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE). Beginning on January 1, 2023, the CBSE board practical examinations for 2022–2023 will be administered. Guidelines on CBSE board practical exams have been released by the examination authority for use by students, schools, and regional offices.

According to the official announcement, CBSE has advised students and parents to check that their study subjects are accurately listed in the list of candidates provided by the schools. The board has provided instruction to students so they are aware of the curriculum and the disciplines for which practical exams will be given. As there will be no additional opportunities for candidates to appear in the practical exams, they must take the practical exams as scheduled.

Guidelines for CBSE Board Practical Examinations 2022-23

  • Schools have been told by CBSE to make sure the practical exam syllabus is finished on time.
  • The schools must make sure that all necessary preparations, such as laboratory setup and stocking as well as the timely designation of Internal Examiners, have been made.
  • The schools are urged to ensure that all students and parents are aware of the CBSE schedule for practical exams so that they can take any necessary measures.
  • Only the external examiners chosen by the Board will administer the Class 12 practical exams for the CBSE board.
  • It is necessary to check the school’s online system for the list of candidates (LOC) who will be taking the practical exams.
  • Schools must make sure that the proper classes and student categories, such as regular, compartment, and improvement, are displayed in the online system.

Additionally, the CBSE board has directed regional offices to make sure that the rules for the administration of practical exams are distributed to the schools as soon as they are made public by CBSE headquarters. The regional offices are urged to make sure that all of the schools finish their practical exams by the deadline and that the results are submitted.