Concepts with Concentration

Concepts with Concentration in Competition can Change your world

  • Post category:Motivation
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:06/01/2023

Everyone knows that it is not the quantity that matters but the quality of doing work. If I talk about student’s life, they think that many hours of study is more important than how you do it. But with my personal experiences, you have to understand the concepts behind every lesson. That concept can take half an hour or it can take a whole day. Until and unless you don’t build concept you won’t be able to solve questions. You must have read topper’s interview at MeraCoaching. They always say that they used to study 4-5 hours in a day. This is all possible if you have full concentration in your work.

Most of us think about future while doing some other work. The concentration level is the distance between topper and an average student. The problem is while doing one work, we think about future, personal problems or sweet moments of a relationship, chatting with friends, thinking about favorite T.V serial or movie. Although these things happen to everyone and in everything but in studies these are most common. Thinking about future creating problems which are not even there makes us sad and depressed.

So, here are some ways to increase your concentration level:-

  • Do Yoga, Exercise or Meditation for at least half an hour in a day,
  • You can play your favorite sport for one hour,
  • Listen to music,
  • Watch favorite star movie at least once in a week. This keeps you stress-free and happy,
  • If you feel less confident talk with your close one,
  • If then also your concentration power is weak go to doctor and learn some exercises or tips for increasing it,
  • And most importantly, sleep at right time.

Must Read-Dedication and Dream should go hand in hand

Most people must be thinking while reading this that they are very busy persons they don’t have even half an hour for above suggestions. But believe me, just sitting for hours with books or your work in hands won’t make you anything. Learn and imply. Learn about concepts and concentration.