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The True Purpose of having Exams

  • Post category:Motivation
  • Reading time:4 mins read
  • Post last modified:11/01/2021

When one thinks of an exam, it is only associated with stress, sweaty palms, nervousness, fright, sickness, blank look and the question paper. Entering the examination hall was a daunting task whether at the school or college level and one wondered what was the need of having exams. Exams are like girlfriends– difficult to understand, too many questions, too much explanation and end result never up to the mark.

But one should understand that exams have an important role in learning and spouting what one has learnt. This is the basis of education given to students. Exams help to test the knowledge gained from the knowledge imparted in different subjects. They help to evaluate the skills and intelligence of a student. Students have started hating these exams today as they are creating stress in their life and want to do away with these exams.

Let us discuss the true purpose of holding exams

Self-analysis of one’s abilities

Sitting for an exam and the outcome of the exam helps a student to analyse his performance level.

Tool for learning and working

An exam provides encouragement to learn and work hard

Spirit of competition

Exams create a sense of competition among students which helps them to work more to get an edge over the other students.

Personality development and confidence

Competitive spirit enhances one’s personality and brings about more confidence among students

Awards and prizes

Good performance in exams doesn’t go waste as students are felicitated with awards, cash prizes and scholarships to boost their morale

Good future

Getting good marks in examinations helps students to get good placements and with that a good remuneration

A little anxiety is good

A little anxiety and pressure are good for a student to help them to come out stronger and face problems in life with elan.

Single examination

This can help judge the progress of several students at one go instead of holding multiple exams for judging students.

Detect teaching flaws

These exams also bring out a teacher’s skills and flaws on the basis of the performance of the students.

These points bring to light the main purpose of holding exams but on the other hand, students have taken them negatively and are not able to come out in flying colors.

Must Read-Exam Stress | What is Exam Stress and how to beat it?

Examinations are creating stress and pressure on students- they are not ready to go in for the healthy competition and are facing a lot of problems. Due to this stress they are facing health problems, loss of self-confidence, suicidal tendencies, becoming recluse and overall disinterest in studies.

But students should realize that exams help to test both their weaknesses and strengths. It is a way to learn thoroughly and helps them clear a class easily. Getting promoted from one class to the other is important in a student’s career growth. During exams, students tend to take extra knowledge besides their course books which help them go a long way.

Must Read-How to prepare yourself, before an exam


Preeti TALWAR is a doctorate in science, who has worked as a Research Associate under a U.G.C fellowship, worked as a Proofreader with Thakur Publishers, Worked as a Content Writer for Planet Spark, India Go Social, Planet writer, Story Mirror, Student Star, Odds spaces. Well published on national and international media. Published for the Chicken Soup Series. Author on different forums like YourStory, Bonobology, Thrive Global, Women's Web, The Country esquire, Newsnviews, Sheroes, Different Truths. Writing is adrenaline for Preeti's soul.