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UPSC mains result 2022 out | How to check

  • Post category:News / Results
  • Reading time:2 mins read
  • Post last modified:06/12/2022

UPSC mains result 2022: Candidates who passed the examination are eligible for the Personality Test stage. The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) announced the Civil Services mains result in 2022 today. Candidates who attended the exam can view their results on the official website,

On February 2, 2022, the UPSC Notification 2022 was issued. On June 5, 2022, the Civil Services (Preliminary) Exam 2022 was held. Following the announcement of the Prelims exam results, eligible candidates who passed the Prelims must complete DAF-I in order to compete in the UPSC Mains.

The mains test was held in a subjective format from September 16 to September 25. The roll numbers of those who passed the exam have been released by the commission.

How to check UPSC CSE Mains 2022 results?

  1. Step: Navigate to the official website,
  2. Step: Select the result link.
  3. Step: Verify your roll number in the result document.
  4. Step: Download and print the pdf for future reference.

Those who pass the mains will be called in for an interview. The interview will be worth 275 points, with no minimum qualifying score. Finally, selected individuals will work in various All-India Services and central civil services, including the IAS, IPS, IFS, IRS, and IRTS.

Candidates will be required to present original certificates to support their eligibility/reservation claims at the personality test, such as age, educational qualifications, community, economically disadvantaged section, Person with Benchmark Disability (PwBD), and other documents such as TA form, etc..

The UPSC Mains exam is the Civil Services Examination’s second step. IAS hopefuls who pass the Prelims, that is, those who score more than the cutoff in General Studies Paper I and more than 33% in General Studies Paper II (CSAT), are eligible to take the UPSC Mains.

Candidates who want to be IAS, IPS, IFS, or IRS officers must first pass the UPSC Mains exam before proceeding to the IAS interview/UPSC Personality Test stage.

According to UPSC, the overall number of candidates permitted to take the UPSC mains is twelve to thirteen times the number of Civil Service openings for that exam year. The total number of openings for UPSC 2022 is 1011 (formerly 861), hence approximately 13 thousand candidates are likely to have written the UPSC Mains 2022.