NTSE Exams Syllabus

Scholarships For NTSE Exams | NTSE Exam Syllabus

  • Post category:News
  • Reading time:38 mins read
  • Post last modified:08/11/2020

The National Talent Research Exam held on two levels-

State level (stage 1)

National level (stage 2)

The  NCERT (National Council Of Educational Research And Training)has announced an increase in scholarships under the NTSE exams.

From this year scholarships have been increased from 1000 to 2000.

The amount for the scholarship had been enhanced last year

Scholarships are as follows- 15% for SC, 7.5 % for ST, 27% for other backward classes and 4% for disabled.

The 1st stage of the exam is held on the first Sunday of November all over India except in the Union Territories of Nagaland, Andaman, Nicobar, Meghalaya and Mizoram where it is conducted on the first Saturday of November

No negative marking is there

Mental ability and scholastic aptitude are tested.

Stage-2 is held on the second Sunday of May

Candidates who qualify for the first level are eligible to sit for the second level

The NTSE exams are conducted in 13 languages

The ntse exams is an offline exam with objective type questions

Both levels of the exam have MAT and SAT i.e Mental Ability and Scholastic Aptitude Test.

5000 students are selected at the first level and from this year 2000 students will be selected from the 5000 students who qualify for the second level of the exam

NTSE Exams Syllabus

  • The syllabus of NTSE is based on the 10+2 curriculum of NCERT.
  • Students are advised to go through each and every topic while preparing for the exam.
  • NTSE consists of multiple-choice questions which are asked from the subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, English, General Knowledge and Mental Ability syllabus.
  • Following is the detailed explanation of all the topics of different subjects along with the weight-age of the particular topic:

Mathematics Syllabus

NTSE Mathematics section contains around 30 questions which include the topics from class 6 to 10.

Algebraic Expressions5%Percentage& Its Application8%
Arithmetic15%Playing with Number1%
Arithmetic Progressions1%Probability1%
Basic Geometry15%Quadratic Equations8%
Circles1%Rational Numbers1%
Coordinate Geometry1%Simple & Compound Interest2%
Direct& Inverse Variations0%Square & Cube Roots3%
Linear Equation3%Surface Areas and Volume4%
Number System9%Trigonometry9%

Science Syllabus

In the science syllabus, topics are included from Physics, Chemistry and Biology. This section contains around 35 questions.

Acid Bases and Salts2%Metals & Non Metals5%
Carbon and its Compound6%Motion and Force3%
Cellular Level of Organization4%Our Environment5%
Diversity in Living organisms2%Periodic Classification of Elements2%
Fibres and Plastics1%Reproduction5%
Food Production & Management1%Soil1%
Heredity and Evolution1%Some Common Diseases7%
Human Body7%Sound2%
Life Processes4%Sound of Energy4%
Light5%Structure of Atom3%
Acid Bases and Salts2%The Universe1%
Magnetic & Electricity at Work5%Water4%
Measurement3%Work and Energy6%

Social Science Syllabus

In this subject, topics are from History, Civics, Geography, Economics and General Awareness. This section contains around 35 questions.

Agriculture2%Local and State Government1%
Atmosphere3%Medieval Architecture and Culture1%
Biosphere1%Motion of the Earth3%
British raj5%Nationalism in Various Countries2%
Culture, Science and Literature1%Natural Vegetation3%
Democracy and Elections2%New Empires and Kingdoms2%
Diversity and Livelihood2%Our Country- India4%
Early Medieval Period3%Popular Movements and Social Reforms2%
Early States1%Population1%
Eighteen Century Political Formation1%Resources and Development5%
French Revolution1%Solar System1%
India and Its Neighbours2%The Delhi Sultanate3%
Indian Constitution4%The Judiciary2%
Indian Economics4%The Maurayas2%
Indian Freedom Struggle5%The Mughal Empire5%
Indus Valley Civilization4%UN and International Agencies1%
Industrial Revolution2%Union Government2%
Industries1%Vedic Period2%
Internal Structure of the Earth and Rocks2%Water Resources2%
Introduction and Sources of Ancient Indian History2%World History3%
Jainism, Buddhism and Conquerors from Distant Lands2%

English Syllabus

One Word Substitution30%
Paragraph Completion5%
Reading Comprehension10%
Rearrangement of Jumbled Words5%
Sentence Completion10%
English Grammar10%

General Knowledge Syllabus

Awards and Recognitions10%
Books and Authors10%

Mental Ability Syllabus

Alphabets and Number test1%Figure Partition and Dot Situation1%
Analogy(Non Verbal)5%Mathematical Operations3%
Analogy(Verbal)5%Missing Character9%
Blood relations9%Paper Folding and Cutting2%
Calendar, Time and Clock1%Ranking and Arrangements7%
Classification9%Series (Verbal)7%
Coding-Decoding7%Series(Non Verbal)8%
Cube and Dice5%Venn Diagrams2%
Direction Sense7%Water and Mirror Images4%
Embedded Figure5%

NTSE Recommended Books

Books play a very important role in the preparation of any kind of examination. The following table shows the names of the books which every aspirant must study:

Name of the BookPublisher
Study Package for NTSE Class X (English) 1st and 2nd EditionMc Graw Hill
Practice Papers NTSE X (English) 1st EditionTMH Books
The Pearson Guide to NTSE Class 10 (English) 1st EditionSaurabh Priyadarshini and Navi C. Joshi
NTSE Explorer: MAT + SAT + New English Language Test for class 10th ( English)Sonia Lal

NTSE Result

  • Those students who have successfully qualified for the test are eligible for scholarships.
  • Students will be selected for the scholarship on the basis of the final merit list.
  • Once stage 2 results will be announced, the final merit list will be prepared accordingly.
  • The merit list will be published on the website. It will not be sent through the post.
  • To check the examination result, students can visit the official website of NCERT i.e. www.ncert.nic.in.
  • Students have to enter their Registration number and Date of Birth to check the result.
  • The result will be available in PDF file format.

By following the below steps students can easily download their NTSE 2021 Result:

  1. Visit the official website of state government/ Union Territories.
  2. Click on the link ‘NTSE 2021 Result’
  3. After clicking on the link, students will be redirected to the next page.
  4. Enter the required details i.e. Roll number, date of birth
  5. Click on the submit button.
  6. NTSE exams Result will be displayed on the screen.
  7. Download the same for future reference.

NTSE Cut off

Cut-off marks are the minimum marks that are required by candidates to clear the examination. The cut off marks will be declared by the respective states. The final cut off mark will be declared by NCERT after the completion of the stage 2 examination. NCERT publishes category wise and subjects wise cut off marks.

The factors affecting the state wise cut off marks are as follows:

  • Students appearing in the exam
  • The difficulty level of the paper
  • Marking scheme
  • Number of seats available

NTSE exams 2021 Expected Qualifying Cutoff


The following table shows the category wise and subjects wise 2018 cut off marks:

Category wise cut off marks

CategoriesTotal Score of MAT and SAT CutoffMaximum marks out of 197 of MAT, SAT
General- PH1111144
General- PH278124
General- PH3101131
SC- PH171113
SC- PH28787

Subject wise cut off marks

Test PapersMaximum MarksQualifying Percentage
ST/ SC/ PHGeneral
Paper I MAT49*35% (17.15)40% (19.6)
Paper II English5035% (17.5)40% (20.0)
Paper II Hindi5035% (17.5)40% (20.0)
Paper III SAT96**35% (33.6)40% (38.4)
Total Marks14535% (50.75)40% (58)



Preeti TALWAR is a doctorate in science, who has worked as a Research Associate under a U.G.C fellowship, worked as a Proofreader with Thakur Publishers, Worked as a Content Writer for Planet Spark, India Go Social, Planet writer, Story Mirror, Student Star, Odds spaces. Well published on national and international media. Published for the Chicken Soup Series. Author on different forums like YourStory, Bonobology, Thrive Global, Women's Web, The Country esquire magazine.uk.20, Newsnviews, Sheroes, Different Truths. Writing is adrenaline for Preeti's soul.